Module 7 - Reflective Log
Complete the reflective log exercise on p. 148 of your text titled, "The Ethics of Fallacious Argumentation."
What if we discovered that we could manipulate the voting public more effectively by the use of fallacious arguments than by the use of worthy arguments? Consider the political impact of the 'death panels' issue described under the Straw Man Fallacy on pages 104-105. The entire episode generated more heat than light. And, yet, it may have achieved its political purpose. Many who heard and believed that the proposed legislation envisioned a eugenics program akin to that advanced by Nazi Germany, showed up at town meetings to vent their anger and voice their objections. If the goal was to delay or derail the Democratic legislative agenda, then the strategy succeeded. This is only one example of using one's skills at argument making to achieve one's goals. Defense attorneys who get juries to acquit criminals is another, as are prosecuting attorneys who get juries to convict innocent people accused of crimes. The ethical question for all critical thinkers is: To what purposes ought I to put my powerful critical thinking skills? This question is analogous to the question: to what purposes ought I to put my college education? These are in part ethical questions and in part questions about one's sense of how to make the meaning of one's life. And what are your answers? Why?