Module 7 - Discussion

Go to p. 144 in your text. Read the textbox titled, "Should DUI Homicide be Prosecuted as Murder?" Watch the clip in its entirety here. [I know this link still works so if the first computer you try doesn’t work please try another]:

Thinking Critically: Should DUI Homicide be prosecuted as Murder? (60 Minutes) A prosecuting attorney in New York is bringing charges of murder against individuals who have killed other people while driving under the influence. The attorney argues that everyone understands that driving while under the influence poses risks for the driver and for other people, including the risk of a fatal accident. The statutes provide for charges of 'depraved indifference' when one's behavior results in the unintended but foreseeable death of another human being. Defense attorneys argue, among other things, that the laws pertaining to murder were never intended to be applied in this way. The debate was captured by CBS's 60 Minutes in a segment that aired on August 2, 2009. Review that segment and map out the reasoning for both sides of this debate. Evaluate the reasoning using the four tests for evaluating arguments. After completing your evaluation, present your own reasoned views on the matter.