The ads and testimonials for nutritional supplements are among the most effective marketing tools ever, as is supported by the unprecedented growth in the sales of energy drinks, dietary supplements, vitamin beverages, and stimulants. Select for this exercise one of these products you are already purchasing for your own use or any product of this kind that interests you. Use information provided on the product label and from the product's Web site as needed to respond to these questions in your log:1. What claims are made about the benefits of the product?
2. What research is cited or what evidence is supplied to support the truth of these claims?
3. Who are the people who have provided testimonials in support of the product?
4. What level of expertise do these individuals have with regard to human nutrition?
5. Were any of these individuals paid to provide their endorsement?
6. What warnings, risks, or potentially harmful side effects are presented?
7. What ingredients does the supplement contain?
8. Biologically and nutritionally, what does each ingredient do? In other words, what is its function?
9. Is the supplement 'specially formulated' in any way that is purported to enhance its efficacy?
10. Who are the target consumers of the supplement? Who should use it?
11. What have you been told about the supplement by friends, coaches, and salespeople?
12. Who produces/manufactures the supplement? What is that producer's reputation?
13. Is the supplement approved as 'safe and effective' by the federal Food and Drug Administration?
14. In terms of the nutritional benefits and risks, how does the supplement compare to the items on this list: orange juice, milk, coffee, standard multivitamin tablets, carrots, apples, broccoli, ordinary yogurt, cottage cheese, peanut butter, tuna fish, baked turkey breast, and wheat bread?
15. Reflect on your answers to questions 2-14 and then evaluate the claims you wrote down in #1. Are they true, plausible, implausible, or untrue, or should you suspend judgment about those claims?